School History

The sirimavo Bandaranaike Vidyalaya was inaugurated on January 01/ 1973 as “Stanmore Crescent Primary school” with 5 teachers and 183 students under the guidance of Mrs. Wimala Liyanage , the founder principal.
The first five teachers were, Anula Gunarathne , Sumithra Malagala ,Chandra Samarasinghe ,M.D.P. Peiris and Hema Dambagoda . Symbolise in the children who were similar to flowers the classes named Nelum, Saman , Manel ,Namal and Kumudhu.
From primary school ,the school was developed to a secondary school and finally to a leading national school within the period of 17 years.
At the educational exhibition held eleven months after the commencement of the school which showcased the creativeness of the students, based on a concept of the principal , then Deputy Education Minister B.Y .Tudawe made arrangements to name the school, as “Sirimavo Bandaranaike Vidyalaya”.
As the school developed year by year, during the initial years, the students were sent to Vishaka Vidyalaya Colombo to study in year 6 and after.
By 1979 , Year 6 classes commenced with a limited number of students. Foundations were laid for new buildings. At the end of January 1982 Wimala Liyanage, the principle, retired. Subsequently , until permanent principle was appointed, Vice Principal W.P.N De Silva served as the acting principle. With the arrival of R.M.L.Jayasekara on June 4,1982, an administrative structure was created by decentralizing the authority and responsibilities of the Vice Principal, and teaching staff incharge of sections , grades and subjects in order to promote the talents of students. Based on the support of the Sri Lanka Library Services Board , a library was opened during this year.
Since it became possible to obtain the grounds adjacent to the school, the school succeeded in producing many sportswomen at both national and international level.
As the results of the students who sat for G.C.E Ordinary Level for the first in the 1984 were 100% , due to the strong commitment of the principal and the teaching staff, approval was received from the Ministry of Education to introduce Science,Maths , Commerce and Arts streams in 1985.
This enabled every student of the school to obtain higher education in all subject streams. On the first occasion, the students who sat for the G.C.E. Advanced Level examination, qualified for university from the streams of engineering, medicine commerce and arts.

At the same time , the doors of the school were opened to those who had succeeded at the Popular Schools Selection examination of Year 6 based on its progress and there was a big demand for the school from the very beginning itself.
During this era, buildings such as laboratories, dental clinic, home science labs , esthetics building (Guruge Hall) , the main hall, the Advanced level building and the official residence of the principal were added.
In 1988, gathering together all schools in the east Colombo , our school was named as a cluster headquarters school, surpassing all other older schools. Within a short period of time of launch the school , the historic event of being named as a national school by the Minister of Education took place in 1991. The first Past Pupils Association was established during the same year. This has launched various projects for the development and advancement of the school.
Within the retirement of W.P.N.De Silva who joined the school as a sub teacher in 1973 , she became the principle and engaged in role of active service on behalf of the development of the school. She came to the forefront during the tenth anniversary of establishing the school to create the symbol of the school and its motto, ” Learn , Achieve and Bliss”. The school colours, blue and pink depicts love and compassion to all worldly beings.
The schools song came into being as a way of confirming in the identity of the school with lyrics by Mr. Sunil Sarath Perera and the melody of Mr. Dayarathne Ranathunga.
Also the principal, Mrs W.P.N.De Silva was able to provide leadership for the compilation of the school hostel for students, the constructions of which commenced during principal Jayasekara’s time. She was dedicated her service to the daughters of the school by joining as a sub- teacher, then then becoming Deputy Principal, Vice Principal, Acting principle and finally Principal, during the period close to three decades. Subsequent to her retirement, Pushpa Kalubowila who joined the school as a chemistry teacher engaged in her role as a Chemistry teacher, a section head and a Vice Principal successfully.
After temporarily leaving the school, she rendered her services actively from the year 2003 as the principal. Where is special memories of her service include, complete in the construction of swimming pool, which had been lacking with the objective of a strengthening the sport section, laying the foundation stone for the sports complex, opening the three -storied building containing a fully complete library ,archives and the school canteen.
She also ensured that the school’s educational results standards were raised based on the 5 year plan. Subsequent to the retirement of the principal Pushpa Kalubowila the present principal Malani Herath is providing the school with an incomparable service. An event of significance that took place during her tenure is the completion and opening of the sport complex for which the foundation stone was laid by her predecessor . The school renders the service of school administration which is a decisive intervention regarding the future of students as well as their education.
From the day a daughter enters the school, she gradually conform to the cultural environment which is inherent to the Sirimavians. The school ensures that a student is provided with the knowledge required through education as well as connected to general Life. The Sirimavo Bandaranaike Vidyalaya will on behalf of the motherland , provide for another number of countries the great social service of gathering daughters who came to the school for a short time, away from the warmth of their mothers , who are replete with education, spiritual qualities and mental and physical well-being.
Past principals

Miss Wimala Liyanage

Mrs R. M. L. Jayasekera

Miss W. P. N. De Silva

Mrs P. M. Kalubowila